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District Behavior Support Team

The mission of the District Behavior Support Team is to assist and support students and educators with identifying, addressing, and modifying behavioral barriers to learning. The team will accomplish this by accepting referrals, enhancing existing positive behavior support strategies, and identifying the most appropriate and effective behavioral interventions.
Richelle Dumas Behavioral and Mental Health Consultant 317-387-2544
Gillian Johnson Autism Consultant 317-387-2515
Eric Steele Behavior Consultant 317-347-8328
Chris Mueller Behavior Consultant 317-347-8327
Laura Kruse-Phillips Assistive Technology Consultant 317-347-2558



Crisis Resources

For immediate assistance, call 911, if the person has access to lethal means and/or is in immediate danger.

National Suicide Crisis Hotline or call 988

Look Up Indiana or text LOOKUP to 494949 (Mental Health or Substance Abuse)

SAMHSA or call 800-985-5990 (Mental Health or Substance Abuse)

Dial 2-1-1. 211 is a comprehensive source of information about local resources and services; callers will connect with an experienced and compassionate counselor specially trained to help with issues related to mental health.