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Elementary School

Grading Scale: Grades K-2: 

E - Excellent
S - Satisfactory
N - Needs Improvement

Grading Scale: Grades 3-5: 

A+ 97-100 B+ 87-89 C+ 77-79 D+ 67-69 F 0-59 
A 93-96 B 83-86 C 73-76 D 63-66  
A- 90-92 B- 80-82 C- 70-72 D- 60-62  

Students in grades K-5 will receive a standards based report card via Pike’s Skyward Student Management System.  Each child’s progress is assessed through observation and other performance tasks, and recorded at regular intervals. Results are used to improve and individualize instruction.  

Students in K-2 receive “progress” marks (E-excellent, S-satisfactory, and N-needs improvement) as children are helped to develop, understand, and apply grade level skills and concepts.  Report cards for students in grades 3, 4 and 5 include letter grades.  

Pike Township uses Skyward’s Family Access to provide parents access to their student information.  Family Access is a secure Internet based website that will allow parents to keep track of attendance, assignments, and grades of each student.


Middle School

Standards-Based Grading is a system of grading used by the middle schools to communicate student achievement. Each level of proficiency describes specific evidence of knowledge students must display to their teachers. The levels of proficiency align with a grade mark. 

The grade marks are as follows:


4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0
A B+ B C+ C D+ D F

Each level increases in complexity until the student has mastered the skill. Through this process, students and parents are able to evaluate success in specific areas, while collaborating with the teacher to meet all their learning needs. 


High School

A+ 97-100 B+ 87-89 C+ 77-79 D+ 67-69 F+ 40-59 (no credit awarded)
A 93-96 B 83-86 C 73-76 D 63-66 F 20-39 (no credit awarded)
A- 90-92 B- 80-82 C- 70-72 D- 60-62 F- 0-19 (no credit awarded)

Incompletes must be made up within two weeks after the close of the grading period.  Any incomplete not resolved automatically becomes an “F.” WD will be recorded for a student who withdraws from a class either (1) after the first two weeks of the semester, (2) because of a medical reason or (3) who transfers to another school. WF is issued to a student who withdraws from a class but does not fit one of the three categories for a WD.  Report cards will be withheld if students owe any fees, fines, or have failed to fulfill all obligations.