The MSD of Pike Township uses many assessments across the district to measure student achievement, curriculum strengths, and program effectiveness. Teachers use data from these assessments to identify instructional needs of students in order to differentiate instruction. Administrators use data to identify areas of need for professional development. The forms of assessments used in Pike are as follows:
ILEARN: Indiana Learning Evaluation Assessment Readiness Network - given to students in grades 3-8 in the areas of English/language arts and math, grades 4 and 6 science, grade 5 social studies, and Biology end-of-course.
I AM: Indiana's Alternate Measure - given to students in grades 3-8 and 10 whose case conference committee has determined it is more appropriate for the student to take I AM than ILEARN or the SAT.
IREAD-3: Indiana Reading Evaluation And Determination - given to students in 3rd grade to evaluate reading skills
WIDA-ACCESS: World-Class Instructional Design and Assessments Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners - given to English language learners whose English proficiency level is 1 to 4
easyCBM - easyCBM is a progress monitoring tool that will help teachers and administrators assess Pike students' understanding of grade-level standards in reading and math. CBM stands for "curriculum-based measures" and will determine a child's knowledge of a standard at various proficiency levels at that particular grade level. This assessment is given in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. easyCBM serves as the district's common progress monitoring tool for elementary-aged students.
NWEA: NorthWest Evaluation Association - computer adaptive assessment given to all grades K-5 students in the areas of reading and math
Clearsight - Grade level standards-aligned assessment given to all grades 6-8 students that measure academic proficiency, growth, and overall performance. Clearsight uses the same platform as state assessments and will inform teachers about instructional needs and prepare students for assessment-like tasks.
College Board SAT - SAT assesses high school Mathematics, Reading, and Writing standards in grade 11 when all grade 11 students will be required to participate. The SAT is administered in the spring of each school year.
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), Scales for Identifying Gifted Students (SIGS), and Test of Mathematical Abilities for Gifted Students (TOMAGS) - assessments given for high ability screening and placement