Dress for Success
Select a grade level to view the dress code for your child.
Elementary School
The way students dress has a direct effect on their behavior and academic progress. Standardized dress fosters school unity and pride, eliminates “label competition,” ensures modest dress, simplifies dressing, and minimizes cost to parents. The standardized dress code consists of navy, black, gray, or khaki-style pants and solid color collared polo shirts for both boys and girls. In addition, girls may wear navy, black, gray or khaki jumpers or skorts.
In warmer temperatures, students may wear the same colored walking shorts (knee-length shorts) or capris with their polo shirts.
Dressing improperly is the act of wearing clothing that creates undue attention or a disturbance within the school and interferes with one’s own learning or the learning of other students. Coats, hats (except for religious reasons), scarves, hoods, etc. are not to be worn in the building during the school day.
It is also recommended that students refrain from wearing jewelry to school. Necklaces, earrings, etc. are subject to damage during physical activity (i.e., gym, recess). Schools will not be liable for accessories that are damaged or lost during the school day.
Proper shoe attire is also requested. Students need to wear appropriate gym shoes which help protect their feet while playing active games, etc. in PE classes as well as on the playground. Students are not permitted to wear opened-toed, open-healed, or shoes with rollers or lights. Children are discouraged from changing shoes while at school.
Your cooperation will help us maintain an environment conducive to learning. When, in the judgment of the principal, a student’s appearance or mode of dress disrupts the educational process or constitutes a threat to health or safety, the student may be required to make modifications. Parents may be contacted to bring replacement clothes to school if inappropriate clothing is worn or the student will be expected to wear alternative clothing from our clinic.
Middle School
Students are expected to adhere to standards of cleanliness and dress that are compatible with the requirement of a good school environment. Those standards generally acceptable to the community as appropriate in a formal school setting ordinarily will be the reference criterion.
A student’s appearance or mode of dress or cleanliness will not be permitted to disrupt the educational process or constitute a threat to health or safety.
When, in the judgment of a principal, a student’s appearance or mode of dress disrupts the educational process or constitutes a threat to health or safety, the student may be required to make modifications. In partial attainment of the foregoing, a student: (1) must groom hair so that it is clean and safe for any school activity in which he or she will take part; (2) must wear footwear; (3) must wear attire which is not disruptive. Each middle school has specific required attire.
Standard Dress Guidelines
Appropriate Apparel
Color: Any SOLID
Style: Polo-style (no logos), Button-down, straight collared, Turtleneck or mock turtleneck, Long or short sleeves, Must be long enough to be tucked in at all times
Worn: Tucked in at all times, buttoned
Color: Any SOLID (with no visible printing)
Style: Long or Short sleeves (with no printing)
Crewneck or V-neck, No visible camisoles or other attire considered “underwear” by administration
Worn: Tucked in at all times, Under appropriate shirt
Style: Any closed toe, closed heel, no flip-flops, no sandals of any kind
Socks, Stockings, Tights, Hose:
Color: Any solid
Worn Full length under Pants (socks)
Pants, Walking-Shorts, Skirts, Capris, Skorts, Jumpers:
Color: Khaki (Tan), Navy Blue, Black, Gray
Style: Pleated or Flat Front, Cargo, Dickie, or Docker style, Leg must be wide (NO SKINNY LEG-style), NO JEANS or DENIM
Worn: Loose at bottom (NO banding, tucking, rolling, with or without rubber bands, or strings) [Pants], No pencil or skinny legged pants, No less than 2 inches above the knee [Shorts, Skirts, Skorts, Jumpers], Pulled up on the waistline
Color: Solid Color
Style: Any appropriate leather, or cloth, Buckle MUST be a standard size, Buckle MUST be non-ornamental
Worn: Visible at all times, Fastened
Sweaters, sweatshirts:
Color: Any solid, no printing or embroidery
Style: Hoodless, Crewneck, Button down, Waist length
Worn: Over an approved shirt with collar visible
Style: Small, NOT large enough to hold a book
Additional Dress Code Guidelines
Pants (Non-Approved)
Torn, tread patches, destroyed
Banding at the bottom of pants
Skinny legged
Baggie or skateboard pants
Spandex, leggings, and/or Stirrups
Sweats, jogging suits
Sagging –pants below waistline
Shirts (Non-Approved)
Layered or multiple
Cut off hoods
Tee shirts (unless on designated special days)
Off the shoulder
Tank tops, halter tops, tube tops
Sleeveless, or spaghetti straps
Bare Midriffs
Denim Shirts
Shorts/Skirts (Non-Approved)
Micro/mini length
Head coverings (Non-Approved)
Footwear (Non-Approved)
Skate shoes (Heelies)
House slippers/shoes
Sandals, of any kind
Accessories (Non-Approved)
Mardi Gras Beads, long necklaces
Dog Collars
Spiked Bracelets
Gloves (with or without fingertips)
Bags (carried during the day)
Fangs, detachable gold teeth or grills (removable teeth covers)
Sports symbols, logos, and brand names on clothing
Coats, Jackets, Raincoats (Non-Approved) - Not to be worn during the school day in the building
Backpacks, book bags, carryalls, fanny packs - Not to be carried in the halls during the school day
All clothing must be of appropriate size (no oversized, baggy, sagging, undersized, or extremely tight pants or tops)
Spirit wear (Middle school or Pike labeled tee shirts or polo shirts) will be allowed on Friday’s. All spirit wear will be worn with uniform pants, fully tucked in, with belts visible.
Special Dress days may be advertised with descriptions throughout the year.
High School
Our school philosophy emphasizes that education is to help the individual develop their potential in an atmosphere of self-discipline. The appearance and dress of any student is the primary responsibility of both the student and the parent. The careful regulation of student appearance and dress is the responsibility of the school. Student/staff health and safety, common decency, student school work, and school and classroom order are all affected by grooming and dress. This basic dress code does not infringe on student’s rights of freedom of expression, but rather encourages students to “dress for success” and come to school properly prepared to participate in the education process.
In order to reduce misunderstandings, the following examples are provided, but not limited to:
Cleanliness of person and apparel is required.
The maintenance of common decency and classroom order requires adequate coverage of the person. Any clothing which reveals undergarments or the lack of undergarments will be considered inappropriate. The length of shirts and tops must be long enough to allow them, if necessary, to be tucked into the student’s pants, skirt or shorts. Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be of an appropriate length. Garments such as pajamas, tube skirts, tube tops, tops which reveal bare midriffs or backs, tops with plunging or revealing necklines, any see-through clothes are not permitted. Form fitting pants including but not limited to spandex/leotard/Yoga (flared or straight leg) type bottoms are not permitted without the appropriate length top. All leggings, tights/Yoga pants and hosiery must be covered to at least mid-thigh in the front and back.
Pants and shorts must be worn at the waistline allowing for no sagging pants. No unfastened or illuminated-sign belts will be allowed.
The maintenance of health and safety includes the wearing of shoes, sandals, or boots. No slippers are allowed.
Students may be required to wear special apparel items as required in classes, such as industrial technology, laboratories, family and consumer science and physical education.
Students will not be permitted to wear attire which advertises or promotes the use of alcohol, drugs, or other substances which, if used by a minor, would be illegal.
Any apparel, jewelry, cosmetic, make-up, notebook, supply materials or manner of grooming which by virtue of its color arrangement, trademark, or any other attitude denoting membership in a gang, advocating drug use of violence, or clothing bearing racially or sexually offensive messages, is unacceptable.
Clothing with paisley print and/or clothing which advertises, promotes, or via innuendo or double meaning, suggests inappropriate ideas or behavior not conducive to a positive school climate or is disruptive to the education environment of the school will not be permitted.
Attire that may cause personal injury or property damage is not to be worn, e.g. chains, studs, metal collars, etc. Grills are also not allowed.
All outerwear coats, jackets and gloves must be placed in lockers during the school day.
The wearing of hats, hoods, bandanas, bandanas with paisley print, or similar head apparel or non-prescription sunglasses is not allowed in the building; these items may not be worn or carried at any time during the school day.
Students are required to possess STUDENT IDENTIFICATION CARDS from 7:15 a.m. – 2:23 p.m. and at school sponsored activities. Student ID cards will be provided to all students. Students must use the ID provided by the school. No substitute ID cards will be allowed. Students will not be allowed in a classroom, media center, cafeteria, or any other school location without an official Students are required to have an ID in order to leave the classroom and the ID must be out and visible while in the halls during instructional time. Students will be sent to the student services to purchase a replacement ID.
When a student or group of students varies in actions or dress from the above dress code, a determination by administrators will be made after a conference with student and/or parents. Decisions will be based on these three points:
Disruptive influence for students and/or teachers
Health hazard
The following discipline guidelines will be implemented for student violations of the dress code:
First Offense: Warning
Second Offense: Guided Learning
Third Offense and subsequent offenses: Out of School Suspension
The Final determination regarding dress code issues/violations/consequences will be made and enforced by the administrators.